About a year ago this was a tiny blog that I use to write on for my own amusement. It forced me to eat out once a week to review a new restaurant which was great fun. It then got to 50,000 monthly readers and it was clear that there was something much bigger bubbling up. Thats when we decided to turn it into a business and grow it into something much more meaningful. We are now at a stage, less than a year later, where 10 times that amount of people visit the site every month, 6 people work with us full time and we are in a second city in Berlin and we have the fast growing trends. Its been one heck of a roller coaster and we haven’t always gotten things right but we are trying to build something seriously cool and that is why today we are rolling out a vastly improved re-design of our home here.
From Blog To Website
From day 1 we’ve been called a blog but from today I think people in Dublin and future cities will think of us as a website. I don’t see much difference in the two terms anyway as we’ll have fresh content hitting the site every single day but you might start using the site a little differently. What is new is that we have re-designed gorgeous restaurant listings and a huge selection of simple recipes. We’ve a ton more stuff coming in the background to help people enjoy their city and find new stuff. As always everything is built for desktop, tablet and mobile or wherever it is you want to enjoy the content. We think you’ll have a really enjoyable new experience on the site as a result.
A New App City Experience
We also noticed that over 70% of people visiting the site were doing so on their mobile devices. Out of them 80% were coming in on iPhones and iPads which is why we launched our new app. Its like a super premium version of the site that gives people 100 great things to do in the city every single month. You can download it now and all going well it will come to Android soon as well.
The Road Ahead
We are at the very start of this journey and our roadmap over the next 18 months will grow this into a global brand with a strong footprint in multiple cities across the world and 10s of millions of people visiting the site. Its a huge ambition but one we think we’ll achieve. What we want to make sure though is that we keep the people who supported us at the start happy. The content might change but we will never forget what got you guys reading here in the first place. As always fire over feedback in the comments and we’ll take it on board!