So the competition only has 2 full days to go before the deadline on Monday at 5 for all entries to be submitted. I’ve been getting some brilliant entries via emails, comments, videos and other cool ways. The one thing I would say is that there is still lots of room to stand out from the crowd creatively. Text is great but with the volume of entries and short judging time it will be the cool quirky ones that stand out and probably get picked. I’ve no idea how I am going to judge all of these businesses because they are that good but I’m really excited about it all especially by the sheer passion that so many people are showing to win the prize.
People are finding all sorts of weird and wonderful ways to enter the competition. I’ve filed all the entries that have come in via comments, emails, videos, presentations etc to start judging them on Monday evening but here are a random selection of some of the entries to date. These are in no way ranking better than any other entires and are simply the first few I spotted to share here.
Lucy Jones’s Banana Orange Jam on Prezi
Twitter Competition
So there are loads of brilliant entries coming in via Twitter. You can look at all the ideas via the hashtag here. Remember that absolutely anybody can enter this competition and that all it takes is one tweet so you might as well be in it to win it. Full details on how to enter the Twitter €10,000 competition can be found here.
Enter And Help Out Now
Plenty of people have been sending in their offers of help to add to the 10,000 that each business will be getting. We have mentors, people offering to make videos and all sorts of other pieces of help. If you think you can help these 2 Irish businesses along in any way at all please do email me [email protected] . Don’t just be one of those people who sits there and says it is a great idea but then goes off to moan about something else.
Remember you only have 48 hours to enter so get your ideas submitted now.

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