We all do funny things when we’re not thinking straight, particularly for special events when the pressure is on. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s one of those big events where things can go seriously wrong when you’re not thinking straight.
So.. Have you ever forgotten Valentine’s Day completely?
Or maybe you assured your significant other that you’ve made great plans only to realise the night before that every restaurant in town is booked out?
Maybe you had great intentions to purchase a present but you ended up empty handed on the day?
We’ve teamed up with Deep RiverRock to give one lucky person a meal for two in The Morrison Hotel 5 Star Restaurant on Valentine’s Day to get yourself out of the bad books. All you’ve got to do is comment below or email [email protected] with the biggest or most embarrassing thing you did on Valentine’s when you weren’t thinking straight. The funnier or more ridiculous the better!
When you can’t think straight, Hydrate. Try out Deep RiverRock’s NEW hydration game to see if you’re on the ball today, and make sure to enter our competition by commenting below.