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20th Dec 2016

21 Photos That Prove Dublin Is The Most Beautiful Place In The World In Autumn


Some people think that as soon as the sun disappears and the nights get longer that a city loses its magic – but we beg to differ.

Here are 21 photos that show Dublin is an incredible spot no matter what the season – so let’s all get in the Christmas mood and hunker down for the next five months!

The sunsets look like this

And the parks look like this

Meanwhile, the canals are all like…

And even the restaurants are getting in on the act

That city

Those seas

And those leaves!

Of course, there’s nowhere quite like a park at this time of year

You can always find a moment…

To look at the colours

Or to pick up some great grub


Even the dogs love it

And again with the canals

Ah Stephen, you’re looking well

What. A. City.

The ducks are happy out

It’s finally okay to drink Guinness again

Even the wind can be used for good

Even the weather can’t get you down as long as you make the most of it

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: WHAT A CITY
