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02nd Apr 2018

Sad News For Dublin Airport As Union Confirms That No Third Terminal Is Needed

Darragh Berry

Sure, you can never have enough like?

Believe it or not but Terminal 2 has been with us for nearly a decade now. The €600 million project began in 2007 but was officially opened just over three years later by then Taoiseach Brian Cowen in November 2010.

Aer Lingus is the main carrier at the terminal and it is used primarily for flights to Europe and the US. 

However, with more and more flights being added to the capital Airport at a speed of what seems like at least once a week, the idea of creating a third terminal was floated around. 

However, The Irish Times is reporting that trade unions have decided that the development of a third terminal at Dublin Airport is not needed at the moment.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) confirmed that the increasing number of passengers at Dublin Airport could be accommodated for by expansion and reconfiguration of the existing two terminals.  

ICTU said on the matter that:

“Based on the information we have received to date and based on the limited amount of research we have been able to conduct in the time available, we are not convinced that there is a requirement at this point for a third terminal at Dublin airport.

“We believe that the projected growth in passengers can be accommodated by the expansion and reconfiguration of terminals one and two.”

Oh well, who knows. Someday…

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