Irish hotels have had a rough time over the last seven to eight years, but one is fighting back in style with an aggressive attitude and “newsjacking” campaign. The owner of the Charleville Lodge has jacked up his room rates for the nights of the concerts in Croke Park with The Script and Ed Sheeran more than doubling the normal rates. This is, of course, fairly normal behaviour in a supply and demand based business, but that hasn’t stopped the “haters” (as he’s calling them) attacking his business…
Far from backing down he has been upping the ante…
Now you have to agree that looking through the hotel website that €279 a night is perhaps a little steep for what they are offering. Having said that, there is a concert less than 5 miles down the road and he can charge whatever he wants. Nobody has a gun to people’s heads forcing them to pay it.
This is of course just smart marketing from somebody who is PR savvy. As he says himself – you couldn’t buy this sort of coverage good or bad! The amount of links to the website, awareness and general exposure must be helping the place no end! Remember this is the same hotel who offered 50% off for people who proved that they weren’t paying their water bills. This man is probably the the most skilled person at trolling the entire Irish media that we’ve ever seen, and he’ll still end up with all of those 279 rooms booked.