Dublin City Council have new plans to change to landscape of Dublin’s quays in order to make them more cycle friendly. The projected plans hope to make the pathways along the Liffey similar to the cycle tracks along the Grand Canal, segregated from other traffic and well-maintained.
Dublin is not a cycle-friendly city yet, but these proposed plans certainly feel like a step in the right direction. In their presentation yesterday Aecom proposed four options to the council – all off which had a cycle path going from Hueston Station to the Point Depot, with different variations on the diversions required.
One point of note in the presentation is that the majority of our tourist attractions are also along the river, in what they call the ‘Tourism Corridor’. While the cycle lanes would make the city a lot more streamlined, and a lot safer for cyclists, we could not underestimate the importance of tourism in our city.
No decisions have been made as of yet, and these proposals will be formally presented to the Council in March. After that, there will be a public consultation so that Dubliners can have their say on the plans, and it could be a few years until development begins, if approved. What do you guys think, should we forfeit one lane of vehicle traffic along the quays in order to make Dublin more suitable for cyclists?