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09th Jan 2017

Is Walking Across Burning Embers On Your Bucket List? You Could Do It This Month In Dublin


Here’s something for the more adventurous among you – there’s an opportunity to walk on burning embers in Dublin this month.

The challenge you face is walking across three metres of wood burning at 800 degrees Celsius – which should either scare the bejaysus out of you or make you squirm with excitement. We’re the former.

Before the walk takes place, participants will receive a two-hour training session of mental and physical preparation. If done correctly, the firewalkers will only come away with just a slight tingling sensation on their feet, as if they’d walked on hot sand.

This thrill-seeker’s event is taking place at Stillorgan Park Hotel on Friday, January 27 and it’s all in aid of charity Debra Ireland, who offer support to suffers of the condition EB (epidermolysis bullosa), an incredibly painful skin condition that causes the skin layers and internal body linings to blister and wound at the slightest touch.

Those participating in the firewalk are asked to pay a €50 registration fee and raise €200 for Debra Ireland.

Now it may sound scary, but remember this: if Oprah can do it, you can too.

Hot Coals Oprah

If you’d like to register for Debra’s Firewalk challenge, you can email [email protected], call (01) 412 6924, or simply click here.

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