News reached Dublin this morning that the iconic Poolbeg chimneys are to be destroyed. The power station has been out of action for a couple of years and now it appears that the cost of maintaining them has outweighed the benefit of keeping them. For many they are one of the most iconic landmarks in Dublin and as the first thing you see when you fly into the capital, a beacon to our home city. They constantly appear in pictures that people share with us and even feature in iconic U2 videos. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the news that they could be knocked down at the end of the year to save a few tax euros.
Chimneys Today
Nobody could have imagined when they were built in the 70s that a power station would become such an iconic part of Dublin but they can be seen from all over the city and have grown on us all.
They also probably gained some of their iconic status from featuring in Pride by U2 which spread their iconic look all over the world.
Although they are scheduled to be knocked down at the end of the year there have been plans drawn up which would see the whole area redeveloped and the chimneys kept as a focal point of the design.
We’d love to hear what you think in the comments. A waste of our tax money or a key part of the Dublin skyline?