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20th Dec 2016

Pitt Bros Is Closed For The Day – And They’ve Given Us A Brilliantly Honest Reason Why


If you fancied kicking off your week with a bit of smoky BBQ goodness, then you may be disappointed to hear that the excellent Pitt Bros on George’s Street is closed for the day.

And why is it that they’ve decided to leave us hanging like this?

Well according to this sign on the door, spotted yesterday by Troy McNamara, it’s for just about the best reason imaginable.



The closure had already been hinted at in a tweet yesterday, but where most managers would round up the sore-headed troops the following day – maybe hiring an extra body to lighten the load on everyone if they were particularly sound – the powers that be in Pitt Bros took things a step further.

What we wouldn’t give for a boss like this in Lovin Dublin…


