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28th Apr 2018

PIC: LGBTQ Member Viciously Attacked In Dublin For Wearing A ‘Repeal’ Jumper

Darragh Berry

LGBT+ for Choice posted a picture on their Twitter on Saturday which shows a man who was viciously attacked in Dublin on Friday night.

All because he was wearing a ‘Repeal’ Jumper. 

The group – who give a voice to LGBTQI people and their allies in Ireland who are in support of Repealing the 8th – confirmed the man in question was “one of our members of LGBTQ community.”

The photo shows the man with significant cuts to his mouth and hands. He said he was “walking home last night when two scumbags took issue with my Repeal jumper. I suppose it’s a change from the gay thing. Dublin is fab”.

This comes in the same week that protests began at the Projects Arts Centre when the famous Repeal Mural was removed.

A spokesperson for the Project Arts Centre stated that: 

“Throughout its 52-year history, the centre has always placed itself at the centre of current and political issues and has done this through the art it has produced and displayed.

“This artwork will live on in the people who have taken its heart into theirs. 

“You can paint over a mural, but you can’t paint over an issue.”

He then proceeded to paint over the Mural.

FYI, you can now also buy Repeal Jumpers with this iconic mural on it.

You’ll be able to purchase one of these brand new Repeal jumpers emblazoned with Maser’s artwork for a minimum donation of €30. More information on the new jumpers can be found here.

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