We’ve all heard the classic phrases and we’ve even used them ourselves from time to time.
“I’ve no change on me but I’ll get you a drink inside if you get me.”
Famous last words.
A taxi fare among a group of friends is annoying af. There’s always going to be the one lad with no change or the girl who only has a €50 note on her.
But, that’s about to change because Lynk, Ireland’s home-grown taxi app, have launched their new app with many slick features that appeal to customers, notably the Split Fare feature.
This allows groups travelling together to split the taxi fare easily through the app, avoiding inevitable “miscalculations.”
When ordering a taxi on the new Lynk Taxi app, the user simply has to select the Split Fare option adding in their friends as part of the easy to use payment feature.
When exiting the taxi the fare is then seamlessly split between all parties, with everyone receiving an e-receipt for their share of the fare.
Noel Ebbs, CEO of Lynk Taxis, says: “When we were building the new Lynk app, we asked ourselves what are the most common problems for taxi users and how can we fix these problems?
“One of the most frequent things that Lynk drivers hear are groups of friends trying to decide who is paying the fare or how much each person owes. This led us to create the Split Fare feature, which easily allows groups to split the fare through the app.
“This feature will cut out the tricky calculations and those awkward moments when you remind you’re your friends how much they owe you. So as well as providing a great taxi service we’re also providing a valuable social service.”
You can download the new app which is available for IOS and Android devices here.
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