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20th Dec 2016

The Little Museum of Dublin – A Total Treasure Trove Waiting To Be Discovered


The beauty of living in a city as vibrant as Dublin is that you never know what surprise lies around the next corner. There’s always cool new restaurants and pubs popping up, and slick things to do. Occasionally however, we can get stuck in a rut of work and rest, staying within our comfort zone, only frequenting old reliable spots for food and drink. Last year a friend of mine came to visit Dublin for a weekend, and I found myself exploring the city more than I ever had before over a short few days. It got me thinking as to how many amazing places are right under our noses that we never explore. Whenever I’m in London I try to visit the Tate Modern or the Saatchi Gallery, and in Paris it’s the Louvre. Yet somehow, I rarely engage with galleries or museums when on Irish soil. Now while I’m not a massive fan of New Year’s resolutions, this year I have set myself the challenge of exploring more of cultural Dublin.


So what would my first port of call be? Housed in a stunning Georgian building, on the corner where Dawson Street meets St. Stephen’s Green, sits The Little Museum of Dublin. The historical focus in the Little Museum of Dublin is contemporary, detailing Dublin in the 20th century but filled with fascinating artefacts and anecdotes. It’s is a great place if you want to find out more about Dublin but don’t want to be put asleep by boring facts. Their collection comprises of seemingly minor objects which tell a hugely significant story about Dublin’s history. Things like a box from Switzers’ the department store which Brown Thomas bought out in 1990, or a ticket from one of U2’s first gigs at the Dandelion Market are dotted around the museum creating a network of tangible stories about the city.


Every hour on the hour there is a guided tour of the museum with the most enthusiastic tour guides you will ever encounter. If that doesn’t sound like something you’re into, it’s just as fun exploring yourself the museum yourself, stumbling across some little gems. On Saturdays they also host is a walking tour of St. Stephen’s Green called ‘The Green Mile’. While most of us probably think of Stephen’s Green as a shortcut or a good place to ponder about life while sitting on a bench, it is a location steeped in Dublin history. The Little Museum of Dublin is a great way to ease yourself into Dublin’s museums, getting to know your city better in a humorous, fascinating and occasionally cheeky manner.

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