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11th May 2018

Six Questionable Things About Dublin That Even Dubliners Don’t Understand


Ah Dublin. 

The wonderfully strange and gorgeous city that is home to 1.35 million of us. 

While we do love this multi-faceted city, there are a few things about it that don’t quite make sense — so much so, that even us actual Dubliners don’t get ’em.

Things like…

The people who cycle through the city without a helmet

These are the people who take Sia’s advice about cheap thrills a little too far. I watch these cyclists in awe and in fear, and cannot comprehend how they manage it.

Cycle Lane

The seagulls

Where do they come from? How did they get so big? Why are they allowed just wander around? Shouldn’t someone do something about them? So many questions …


Why there’s no Penneys on the Southside

There are TWO Penneys on the Northside, within walking distance of each other. I don’t see why there’s no Penneys on the Southside, and the Government would do well to sort that out.

37 Oconnell Street

The Spire

Just look at it. Enough said.

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The sheer volume of the women on Moore Street

Do their voices ever give out?  The power of those lungs as they try to attract their customers would put Susan Boyle to shame.

Moore Street Market Dublin

The speakers on O’Connell Street

Sometimes they might have flyers or booklets to give out, but a lot of the time no one can actually understand what they’re saying. 

And a megaphone only makes it worse, to be honest.

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READ NEXT: 18 Things That Dubliners Would Never Ever Say
