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20th Dec 2016

This Dublin Bar Is Giving Each Customer A Free Beer Every Time Ireland Score A Try Today


This is one of the most beautiful cases we’ve ever seen of life imitating art.

It seems Dylan McGrath has decided to get in touch with his inner clown, and is doing at Fade Street Social this weekend what Krusty did at the 1984 Olympics – giving out a free beer to customers every time Ireland score a try.

Against Canada.


To be fair, iIt looks like the guys at Clonmel 1650 are helping out with this venture – so even if we do trounce the Maple Leafs today by some phenomenal margin, it shouldn’t end quite as horrifically badly as it did for Krusty.

But hey, let’s hope we push it right to the limit all the same.

  • Know of any other pubs doing drinks deals for the Rugby World Cup? Drop me a line on [email protected].
