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20th Dec 2016

This Garda Traffic Tweet Will Send A Shiver Down Your Spine


The Garda Traffic Twitter account is well known for its wit and humour, and has been responsible for some absolutely cracking online exchanges since it was set up just under four years ago.

However traffic control isn’t always fun and games – and occasionally the account comes up with something that really sends shivers down your spine.

The tweet below from the force, posted this morning, was a perfect example of that; and the image of a vulnerable nine-year-old sitting atop the petrol tank of this vehicle is going to stick with us all morning.

Thankfully tragedy was averted in this case… but we are getting a little bit fed up of uttering watery phrases like “Stay safe” when it comes to the roads.

On the evidence of this, maybe “Cop the fuck on” would be better suited.
