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17th Feb 2017

Trinity Scientists Have Made A Huge Breakthrough In Cancer Research


Scientists at Trinity College, Dublin have recently discovered how certain cancers are capable of hijacking the immune system.

According to the Irish Independent, the incredible breakthrough sheds light on why certain patients’ tumours are simply not going down, and thus could really benefit medical professionals in treating the disease.

Professor of Medical Genetics Seamus Martin and Dr Conor Henry led the research team. They discovered that a molecule called TRAIL can successfully act against the cancer. TRAIL is found in high concentrations in certain cancers, particularly in cancers of the liver and pancreas, and it can actually help the tumour to survive.

The breakthrough also helps to explain how some tumours are being rewired. 

The key role of the cells in the immune system is to repair of damaged tissue. It’s exactly this aspect of the immune system that stimulates growth of new cells within damaged tissues and cells.

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