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05th Apr 2017

You Can Now Do Hot Naked Yoga In Dublin


Sorry ladies, it’s only for men

A mens-only hot naked yoga class has opened in Dublin, and we are wildly intrigued.

The Men’s Hot Naked Tantra Kriya Yoga exercise class is on in Kilcarbery Park, Dublin 22 and is open for classes.

Are there any rules?

According to Dublin Live, you have to be completely naked, along with trimmed fingernails and good personal hygiene to take part in the sessions. They’re held at 8pm every Mondays night.

Their very informative website says: 

“When we consider the role that clothing has played in society, it seems to be in direct opposition to the goals of yoga.”

“Sharing space and Kriyas with other people who are naked generates a unique energy that makes the exercises take more courage to perform. Nude Yoga allows you to accept your body, understand it and start by wanting to be closer to ourselves!”

According to their website, the aim of this type of Yoga is to reconnect your body to your three types of energy, sexual, physical and mental. A regular class will be held naked and contain: Meditation, Pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas and kriyas.

Classes are €15, and pumped full of hot air in order to give your whole body a workout. 

And you ladies won’t be disappointed, as they’re looking for a mixed male/female class to start too. You can register your interest with them for the classes by emailing [email protected].

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