You guys knock it out of the park every week in terms of Twitter.
And for that, we are eternally grateful.
Just take a look at this week’s instalment, to see what we’re talking about…
Take a bow, ya good things.
1. Real talk
From an interview with Spencer and Heidi
— becky ann leeman (@foreveralowen) November 6, 2016
2. Familiarity
Had a stress dream that @thehappypear forced me to go for a swim in the freezing sea and I was like oh hell no, and they were like Get. In.
— Louise Hodgson (@LouHodg) November 8, 2016
4. The trials and tribulations of Grafton Street
Just saw an Italian man propose to his girlfriend with a flash mob of their friends in Stephen’s Green and now I am crying and vomiting
— James (@ISayJK) November 5, 2016
5. Can’t say we haven’t dreamed about it…
there should be a service in dublin whereby you can pay for a nice person to spoon you. desperately seeking a spoon.
— Suzie Bennett (@suziebennito) November 8, 2016
6. #fashion
— Bad Sea (@badseaband) November 6, 2016
7. Grab hope by the balls
8. When worlds collide
9. War of the worlds
10. The education system
so many pessimistic “my degree is worthless” graduation statuses right now.
I mean you’re absolutely right but give it at least a few months— Patrick Culhane (@coolhane91) November 4, 2016
11. Public transport lyf
Me: I’ll time leaving the office so I’ll reach the train just in time to catch it
Irish rail:— Áine (@himynameisaine) November 7, 2016
12. And finally, our current situation
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