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20th Dec 2016

Emma Murphy, You Are An Absolute Hero


Emma Murphy, health blogger and mother of two, posted an important video to her healthy mum’s blog. The awesome (and incredibly brave) 26-year old recorded the message in her home yesterday, telling her story of domestic abuse to raise awareness about a subject many fear to address.

“I thought long and hard before posting this video, this is very
difficult for me but I have to do what is RIGHT, if you or anyone you
know has it is in a similar situation please share this video to inspire
other women around the world, violence is NOT the answer!” said Emma on her Facebook page.

Hero doesn’t begin to cover it.

It’s not easy viewing, so if you or someone you know is affected by this message, help can be found by contacting Women’s Aid on 1800 341 900 or emailing [email protected].
