So for those of you who are new to the blog I ran a competition a couple of months ago to give away €10k in start up money to a couple of Irish businesses to try and help create a few jobs on our little Island. Carve cases launched a couple of months ago (And just created their first job) but today it is the turn of the 2nd winner Bia Beauty to enter the market. It couldn’t really be a better fit for the blog either because it is a series of beauty products that are all made from food. It’s taken a little bit longer to launch because the products all had to be tested (obviously not on animals before you even ask!!) but the good news is that this past weekend was the big launch and you will be seeing it in shops near you very soon.
The best thing about the company is Tracey who is madly passionate about the product and how it is made and will be the face who is out there promoting it at all times. The first step is getting it in to as many chemists, health shops and large retailers as possible which is what will be happening between now and Christmas (if you can do any intros to buyers help us out!!). If you want to support the business and help get it off to a flying start though you can head over to the site and buy some right now. I don’t know a massive amount about beauty products but the girls in my life who have sampled it to date certainly approve!