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20th Dec 2016

Listen Up, Spiciness Lovers – The Insanely Hot Komodo Dragon Chilli Pepper Will Hit Tesco Stores Soon


Fans of all things spicy will love the Komodo Dragon chilli that’s due to arrive in Ireland on Monday, August 31.

Grown in the UK exclusively for Tesco, the pepper is the hottest ever to be sold on supermarket shelves and will be available across Ireland. To understand just how hot the chilli is, the lively jalapeno pepper only measures 3,500 Scovilles units (on the spiciness scale), while the Komodo Dragon measures an excruciating 1.4 million Scoville units. These chilli peppers are truly red hot.


Not to be confused with these chilli peppers

Tesco Ireland Fresh food buyer Joe Casey said:

This limited stock of Komodo Dragon chillies is exclusive to Tesco and we anticipate stock to sell out quickly […] At first you taste the wonderful hot fruitiness but then after about 10 seconds the full might of the chilli hits you. This chilli is definitely suited to those who are experienced in eating really hot food.

Komodo Dragon chilli peppers will be sold in 15g packets and will cost €1.49 per packet.

Due to the heat of these chillies, each packet carries a number of safety instructions for customers: do not consume whole, do not touch without gloves, avoid contact with eyes, if cooking the whole chilli, remove from dish at the end of cooking, remove all seeds prior to cooking if slicing, wash hands thoroughly after preparation to avoid irritation.

Looks like the nation can soon look forward to mealtimes that look an awful lot like this…

