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20th Dec 2016

Rampaging Zebras, Pricey Kiosks And Draghi’s Dancer – It’s This Week’s Pub Talk


It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily grind and miss the stories that are going on around us – but fear not, you won’t be left out of the loop thanks to our handy guide to this week’s hot topics.

The Ballsbridge Kiosk

You can’t swing a cat in it – which is probably for the best considering that it’s a food preparation area and that swinging cats is rather cruel – but this tiny kiosk in Ballsbridge sold for a whopping €250,000 this week, or the equivalent of €70,000 per square metre.

Sure, the turnover will be huge and the location couldn’t be better… but good lord, a price tag like that really does take us back.

The Trinity Ball Guide

The Trinity Miscellany came under serious fire yesterday for publishing a Trinity Ball Guide that contained a short piece detailing the rape of an incapacitated woman.

All copies were eventually pulled, and the online version deleted, but not before the publication came in for serious criticism on Twitter.



Every pundit has written them off with an “it’s impossible to see beyond Toulon” line – but we know the Boys in Blue are made of strong stuff, and tomorrow’s encounter in Marseilles is anything but a foregone conclusion.

We just need to channel the spirit of Johnny, for what will be our second-lade – yes, second-last – European game in his absence…

Canadian visas

3,850 Canadian visas snapped up in 12 minutes.

Just as a kiosk in Ballsbridge sells for €250,000, and we feel the days of prosperity (and slight madness) may be back, we get something like this to remind us that there’s a long way to go yet…

Draghi’s dancer

European Central Bank press conference? Yeah, even for the most committed of us nerds, that’s a bit of a yawn.

Not this week, though, as a protester hopped up on the table, showered ECB president Mario Draghi with confetti, and generally pulled some pretty awesome shapes before being removed by security.

Lady, we’ve already forgotten what your protest was about… but thanks for the excellent moves all the same.

Zebras on the rampage

This website may be in Dutch, but don’t worry – you don’t have to read anything, just marvel instead at the sight of a herd of escaped zebras charging down a road in Brussels.

Why does nothing like this ever happen in Dublin?


From the installation of an enormous mural on George’s Street, to the half-assed destruction of a smaller one on Richmond Street, and on to the subsequent hacking of the Youth Defence website with an image of the former, the equality referendum campaign has been dominated very much by wall paintings this week.

What’ll it be next week, we wonder?

