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20th Dec 2016

The Original Cronut Recipe Finally Revealed 


The craze for cronuts has been sweeping the world for the last couple of years after chef Dominique Ansel invented them in New York. He never revealed his recipe after his unique creations hit the market so chefs around the world were forced to try and re-create them from scratch using a trial and error technique. The best we saw were the ones in the Marker Hotel which were pretty close to perfect, but some of the other copies were appalling and tasted like heavy soggy doughnuts. Don’t get me started about the ones in Centra!

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Well the big news today is that the original recipe has just been released and you can make them at home yourself. Dominique Ansel is taking the next natural step for a chef to get rich by releasing a cookbook to further cash in on his wonderful invention.

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You can see the full recipe here but you will probably be staggered to see just how much butter are in them (thats why they taste so good) and the fact that it takes 3 whole days to make the little fuckers. On the upside chefs all over the world will now have their hands on the recipe so cronuts could become as ubiquitous as croissants or doughnuts. We can all look forward to either getting a lot fatter or spending more time in the gym!

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