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20th Dec 2016

This Cheeky Irish Kickstarter Is Giving Ikea A Run For Its Money


In theory, Ikea is absolutely great as you wander around the showrooms surrounded by beautiful furnishings dreaming of the gorgeous home you could create with just a few items of Scandinavian furniture.

But sadyly once you get your flatpack home and begin to fumble with nuts and bolts, whilst attempting to read instructions that seem like they’re written in hieroglyphics, you lose your patience pretty sharpish.


When we heard about Whackpack Furniture, an Irish contemporary furniture brand, launching on Kickstarter this month we just had to know more..

Benny Magennis, the chap behind Whackpack Furniture, hopes to defy the culture of flatpack “fiddly bit hideousness” by creating a new way to assemble flatpack furniture using a wedge, a mallet and some satisfying ‘whacking’.

Wouldn’t you much prefer to assemble your flatpack furniture in record time with a stress relieving whack or two rather than spending hours poring over tiny instructions?

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The first item in the Whackpack Furniture line is a small wooden stool called the ‘Wooden Creepie Stool’ (which you can see being assembled in the video below), but there are big plans for other products once the project gets off the ground.

Imagine if you could get a whole kitchen table and six chairs assembled with this stress free method!

If you like the sound of Whackpack Furniture, what they stand for, or you’re curious to find out what their next product will be, you can throw them a few bob on Kickstarter.

More of these innovative and fun creations from Irish designers please!

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