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05th Mar 2021

Seven foodie delights to try out this weekend

Sarah Finnan

Weekend foodie round-ups are possibly some of my favourite lists to put together… but only when I’ve eaten because otherwise, scrolling through endless photos of delicious food just makes me hangry.

Already thinking about what I’ll be eating this weekend, I recommend you do the same and plan your walks accordingly. ‘Tis always easier to ease yourself out the door for some fresh air when there’s the promise of good food at the finish line.

Here are seven things that caught our eye this week.

Brunch bap 

Ah brunch, the holy grail of weekend eating. One of the things we miss most about pre-Covid life, the at-home experience will have to suffice for a little while longer. This brunch bap from Network Café on Aungier Street is most definitely a bit of us.

Crème brûlée doughnuts

Crème brûlée, what’s that? Well, to quote Zeke (from High School Musical, obviously), it’s a creamy custard-like filling with a caramelised surface. Pop that inside a doughnut and you can guarantee we’re on board. Find ’em at Allta Wine Bar’s first bakery pop-up this weekend.

Blood orange cannoli 

Blood orange cannoli. Need I say more?

Buffalo chicken burger

Sometimes nothing but a burger will suffice and if you’re going to sink your teeth into anything this weekend, may as well go for the gold and get the Buffalo Stance (a chicken burger dipped entirely in buffalo chicken wing sauce) from Nice Burger.

Atakilt Alicha

Gursha has been on my must-try list for yonks and this vegan stew is positively SHOUTING my name. The cure for a cold day, it’s the definition of comfort food and pretty good for ya too (packed full of veggies).

Cardi B

If you have yet to try a Cardi B from No Messin’ Bakery then you’ve been totally bugging. Stocked exclusively at Proper Order in Smithfield, these cardamom pastries are a staple on my own personal weekend eat list. Highly, highly recommend.

Mac ‘n’ cheese burger

Another burger on the list, this one promises to “mac you happy and cheese you up”. Can’t argue with that. What’s in it you ask? Panko fried chicken, truffle mac ‘n’ cheese croquette, arrabiata sauce, parmesan garlic aioli and rocket… all atop a Firehouse Bakery brioche bun. Ooooof.
