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08th May 2019

Dublin Driver Fined For Watching Liverpool Match Behind The Wheel Last Night

James Fenton

Where were you watching Liverpool’s epic win over Barcelona last night? Down the pub? The relative comfort of your sofa? Wherever it was, it was doubtless a more sensible option than the choice made by one viewer.

An Garda Síochána have tweeted an image which shows that they caught a Dublin motorist driving while watching the drama unfold on their phone. The DMR North Roads Policing Unit detected the culprit who will now be hit with a fine for the offence.

While last night’s game will live long in the memory for sporting reasons, this person will always associate it with a fairly foolish error of judgement.

A lesson for any sports fans who find themselves on the road during a big match in the future.

READ NEXT: WATCH: Ecstatic Full-Time Scenes In Dublin’s Number One Liverpool Pub Last Night
