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20th Dec 2016

88 Formal Complaints Were Made About The Late Late Show’s Lamb Carousel Segment


A lot of people were none too happy with The Late Late Show’s segment featuring a lamb carousel on Friday, with RTÉ today admitting that they received 88 formal complaints about the incident.

If you missed it, you can watch it here.

While many jumped to the defence of the lamb carousal device, saying it is the most humane way to handle the young animals, many were outraged by it, believing that the newborn lamb was in distress.

A spokesperson for the programme responded to the 88 complaints received,

To put that in context, Friday night’s show was the third most watched Late Late Show of this season, watched by an average of 605,700 with a 44% share, so this represents a tiny percentage of the audience.


READ NEXT: This Late Late Show Segment Has Caused Viewers To Cry Animal Cruelty
