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01st Aug 2018

PIC: Bloggers Unveiled Releases Statement Following Questions About Identity

Darragh Berry

Bloggers Unveiled, an Instagram page that became synonymous with calling out bloggers who were allegedly lying to their followers about images and products has released a statement.

This comes after weeks of speculation about the identity of the person behind the page.

A girl called Ramona Tracey told The Times on Sunday that she was falsely accused of being behind the page and has had to get the Gardaí involved.

On Wednesday morning, after a brief hiatus from the Instagram, Bloggers Unveiled released a statement confirming that “this page is not something I want to be involved in anymore.”

Bloggers Unveiled Statement

The full statement is as follows:

“Things have taken a nasty, toxic, vindictive and unhealthy turn. This page is not something that I want to be involved in anymore.

“I’m removing myself from all of this. The baying for blood makes me sick. What a shame that it has had to come to this.

“I feel bad for everyone involved in this clusterfuck that has been created, but I do not want someone else’s blood on my hands.

“Thanks once again and take care.”

The page has now been removed from Instagram.
