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03rd Nov 2022

Debate ensues following the cancellation of Live Crib for the first time in decades

Katy Thornton

The life-size stable previously had sheep, donkeys, and goats.


A row has ensued following the cancelling of Live Crib for the first time in over two decades. Families visited the Mansion House’s live crib every December, but Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy believes it’s time for a change.

Dublin City Council’s Protocol Committee approved the cancellation of Live Crib for Christmas 2022.

According to Breaking News, Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys said that people need to use their “common sense” when it comes to this topic:

I think for a young child to get that experience, to see those live animals in the centre of the city, was something that many families enjoy and I would say I hope that common sense prevails here, and a solution is found.

“What I’m saying is that it’s something that I think common sense should prevail, and that a solution should be found.

“I think it’s important to say that a child going to look at an animal, I’m sure you’ve seen it yourself, the joy they have in seeing, whether it’s sheep, whether it’s goats, whether it’s cattle, it’s something to behold, and I hope that common sense prevails.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin has refused to comment on the situation, reportedly saying it’s “beyond his pay grade“.

What are your thoughts on the cancellation of Live Crib?

Header images via Flickr & Shutterstock

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