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30th Dec 2019

Dublin Airport trialing off-site bag drop service

Brian Dillon

This would be insanely handy! Travelling with luggage may get a whole lot easier as Dublin Airport is set to trial a brand new off-site baggage dropping service.

What does this mean?

Well, an off-site bag drop service would mean that people travelling through Dublin Aiport will be able to securely leave their luggage at various points around the city before their journey begins.

The Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) is currently on the hunt for a delivery company to test the plan to trial the idea.

The bags would then be brought by a courier to the airport and checked in automatically.

Graeme McQueen is a spokesperson for Dublin Chamber, explained why he thinks it would be a good move:

“I think all the time we are trying to make the visitor experience in Dublin and in the other Irish cities better, so the idea that you would be able to drop off your bag in town, maybe for a flight later in the day, and you turn up at the airport and your bags are there for you that seems to make things a lot easier.”

“I think it sounds like a very interesting idea,” he added.

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