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20th Dec 2016

People Are LIVID Over Katie Hopkins’ Appearance On ‘The Late Late Show’ Last Night

Alana Laverty


The ever-controversial and terrifyingly-opinionated Katie Hopkins appeared on The Late Late Show last night. 

In the lead-up to her going on the show with Ryan Tubs, RTÉ received over 1,300 complaints against the English TV personality. 

The show went ahead… but people are not one bit happy about the shit she was stirring.

If you didn’t watch last night’s show, here’s a little taster of how it went…

Here’s what people had to say:

There was a lot of support for Irish journalist Colette Browne as she debated with Hopkins

We’ll leave you with this one…

A lot of people are giving out and asking why RTÉ gave Hopkins a platform to talk even more shite… While people were tweeting #notwatchingthelatelate to reject and object the appearance, telling people what they were doing instead of watching the show. 

Express your opinions in the comments below.

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