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20th Dec 2016

The Westboro Baptist Church Have Declared A Twitter War On Yes Campaigner Senator Katherine Zappone


The Westboro Baptist Church are up to their old tricks again, and this time they’ve got Irish senator Katherine Zappone in their slights.

If you’re unfamiliar with the church, the Westboro Baptists have made headlines several times over the years with their extreme homophobic views. They’re best known for holding protests where they brandish their trademark ‘God Hates Fags’ signs.

With the landmark passing of marriage equality into Irish law, the ire of the extremist sect has been provoked, and it’s now being focused on Irish senator and prominent campaigner of the Yes campaign, Katherine Zappone.

Read what the Westboro Baptist Church said below.

Here’s a clip from a recent protest by the group.

The group also posted a video to explain to Ireland the rationale behind their hatred of same-sex relationships.

Senator Zappone joins a long list of those who have incurred the displeasure of the Westboro Baptists (run by a family who documentarian Louis Theroux dubbed “the most hated family in America”), including Barack Obama, US marines in general, the band One Republic, and many many more.

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