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04th Sep 2018

Protesters Are Bringing The Trump Baby Balloon To Ireland For The US President’s Visit

Kiara Keane

It looks like the infamous Trump Baby balloon will be making a trip over to Dublin during Donald Trump’s Ireland visit.

The giant balloon was originally flown over London’s Houses of Parliament in protest against the US president’s UK visit in July, after a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign.

And now that people are equally unhappy about Trump visiting Ireland in November, the organisers have said they’d love to bring the Trump Baby on a European tour.

Organiser Kevin Smith told The Independent:

“We’d love to take the Trump baby over to Ireland for the president’s visit.

“When we passed our original crowd-funding target, we said we’d use the excess money to take the Trump baby wherever we could to globally troll Donald, and so this would be an excellent opportunity.”

He added: “We’re presuming there’s going to be a massive show of resistance to Trump’s politics of hate and division and it would be an honour for the Trump baby to be part of that.”

The Green Party have also organised a ‘Say Nope To The Dope’ protest against his Ireland visit, with thousands of people expected to attend.

Main image via @OxfordDiplomat

READ MORE: There’s Going To Be A ‘Say Nope To The Dope’ Protest Against Donald Trump’s Ireland Visit
