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20th Dec 2016

London’s New 24-Hour Tube Service Makes Dublin’s Night Transport Look Like A Load Of Shite


I know, I know, London is a city with a population that’s barely even comparable to Dublin (or Ireland, for that matter).

And transport is very much something that relies on economies of scale – the more people who reside in a given area, the cheaper it becomes to run mass transport in that area.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not a bit frustrating sometimes to look across the water and see that London has unveiled its map for a 24-hour tube service on Friday and Saturdays, while we reside in a European capital city – with a population in excess of a million – that offers such paltry options after nightfall.

A sorry sight

As anyone who regularly catches the Nitelink will know, it’s infrequent, its capacity is far too small, it leaves huge areas of the city untouched, and it’s wrapped up by 4am – before some nightspots in Dublin have even closed their doors.


The impressive new map for the London 24-hour tube service

Add to that the fact that there are zero options for public transport on Sunday-Thursday, aside from a handful of private operators, and you’re left with a very sorry sight indeed.

As the city continues to grow, as increasing city-centre rents continue to force more people into the suburbs, and as nights out become more about experiencing the city through the night – and not just getting hammered in a pub followed by scoffing a kebab at 2.30am – it’s a bit galling to be served with such a sobering reminder of where we are right now.

So what, then?

Anyhow, to focus on the positives, this is going to make life much easier for people who spend a lot of time in London (or indeed for the many of our readers who live there), and maybe, maybe, it will force the powers that be to get their act together and give us some viable transport options after dark.

Almost every positive vision for Dublin involves bringing us more in line with our European counterparts – from public bike schemes to pedestrianised centres. Improving in this area will be an absolutely crucial step as we move towards becoming a true 24-hour city.

Do you agree that Dublin’s night transport system need to be improved? Or is it fine as it is? Let us know in the comments below
