By the nature of our jobs here in Lovin Dublin, we spend an unnatural amount of time online, and as a result have a long list of pet peeves when it comes to some people’s bad social media habits. We’ve compiled a list of things that range for slightly irritating to blood boiling.
#Blessed #NoFilter
Where do I begin with these ones. Unless you’re a Kardashian living it up on some ultra luxurious holiday resort (but even then it’s still really, really annoying), you don’t need to be posting #blessed after ever bloody picture you post. It’s often just another way of saying “I’m rich”. Equally the selfies of people’s faces or stomachs with the #NoFilter hashtag is annoying… We get it, you’re attractive.
Tagging People In Your Tweets
This one really annoys me. People who tag you in a tweet of theirs that has nothing to do with you expecting a retweet. It’s like an aggressive attempt at self-promotion. Similarly people often write a tweet and then reply to their own tweet with your names linked into it with the hopes of a RT. Just too forceful.
Don’t Overshare
Okay you may have a few hundred followers so you’re probably interesting enough, but most of your followers will be people you have never met. They don’t need to know if you’re toenail is falling off, and they certainly don’t need pictures. Neither do they need a blow by blow of your break up from your ex.
Selfie Overload
Instagram should have some kind of cut-off, a selfie a day is just too much. You’ll still look the same on Friday as you did on Thursday. There is an air of crazy self-obsession with people who continuously post selfies. If you are addicted to selfies at least have your friends or a nice place in the background, sometimes we get sick of seeing your messy bedroom every day.
Hashtag Addict
There’s nothing wrong with a hashtag, it’s often really useful. Take for example the #lovindublin hashtag which helps people find new places to eat and where people post mini reviews on… Really useful. However when a picture of someone post-run, eating an apple comes with 40 different hashtags it’s just excessive… #paleo #eatclean #fitspo. We can see from the picture you’re not eating a double cheeseburger on the couch, it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that you’re a healthy chap.
People Who Demand RTs
I think people are generally really happy to retweet things that are of interest to them or their followers but getting a tweet saying “Half price wings tonight in Texas Wings @JohnSmith RETWEET” will not exactly inspire John Smith to retweet your tweet. How about a “hello, how are you?” first?
Those are the social media peeves at the forefront of our minds, what are yours?