- 1 packet of fresh pasta
- 1 packet of dried mushrooms
- 1 packet of button mushrooms
- 1 bunch of spring onions
- Parmesan cheese
- 1 small tub of cream
- 1 chicken stock cude (Veggie if you want to go that route)
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 onion
Pasta is the go-to dish for many of us during the week, but most of us have an extremely limited repertoire of recipes, so we end up cooking the same one every week.
With that in mind, I wanted to share this delicious, cheap, and quick creamy mushroom pasta that couldn’t be any easier to cook. It’s got just seven Ingredients, it’s ready in about 15-20 minutes and all cooked in two pans.
This is my sort of cooking, and once you try it you’ll be adding this to the list of stuff you cook regularly. Lash it all together and wait for your taste buds to explode.
Step 1
The ingredients are all pretty standard. You’ll find the wild mushrooms in the dried section of your supermarket and don’t be scared of them, as they couldn’t be much easier to cook.
Step 2
Start by heating the biggest pot of water that you have in the house. The more boiling water you have for cooking pasta the better, basically.
Step 3
Take the stalks out of the mushrooms. Use your hands for this.
Step 4
Chop the crap out of them in to nice small even-sized pieces.
Step 5
Dice up your onion and your garlic as small as you can.
Step 6
Pop the dried mushrooms into a large bowl.
Step 7
Cover them with a bit of lukewarm water. This will bring them back to life. Leave them there soaking as you do the rest of the cooking.
Step 8
To make the sauce, heat up a large frying pan and throw in a load of oil. Be generous with the oil.
Step 9
Lash in the onions and garlic and cook them over a medium heat.
Step 10
Stir them around and get lots of flavour out of them, without getting them burnt.
Step 11
When they smell absolutely delicious and the whole house is starting to come towards the kitchen, it’s time to add the normal mushrooms.
Step 12
Now whack the temperature up to full heat and give them some good colour.
Step 13
Most mushrooms will release water, so you don’t want them to stew at this stage. Keep them moving and give them some colour.
Step 14
Strain the water off the dried mushrooms (but defo don’t throw the water away) and lash them in to the pan.
Step 15
After cooking them for a couple of minutes, lash in about half of the cream. We don’t want it to be some sort of big creamy mess, like you get in a lot of pubs. Less is more.
Step 16
Bring that up to the boil, then crumble in about half the stock cube and a bit of salt and pepper.
Step 17
When the water is boiling, add the pasta. Should only take a couple of minutes depending on the instructions,
Step 18
While the sauce and pasta is cooking, quickly grate your parmesan cheese.
Step 19
You should also dice up the spring onions nice and fine and add a good handful of them in to the sauce.
Step 20
As the sauce thickens up, pour a small amount of the mushroom soaking water into the sauce to thin it out. If the sauce is too thin, boil it some more, if too thick add mushroom juice. Simple.
Step 21
Put the pasta straight in to the sauce and stir it around a good bit.
Step 22
Make sure everything has been coated perfectly and mixed up evenly.
Step 23
Throw in the parmesan.
Step 24
Take it off the heat and serve it up immediately. Seriously tasty and all ready in a matter of minutes! Boom, you’re nearly a professional chef at this stage.
So that’s it, couldn’t be any fecking easier than that, and you’ve a gorgeous new recipe to add to your collection.
I know how much of a pain in the arse it can be to cook when you get home from work in the evening and this dish takes all that pain away. It also happens to be one of the recipes that as a meat eater you’ll happily have and still feel satisfied afterwards.
Try it out, I think you’ll agree it’s savage.