No matter how many Monday Motivation or Wednesday Wisdom posts you see on your feed, it can be tough to stay positive all the time.
If you’re struggling to stay super positive in the midst of life, don’t worry – you’re not alone! 2019 has a great ring to it and I can feel the positive vibes buzzing. Luckily for us LloydsPharmacy are making it even easier to keep up a positive mindset with their epic transformation programme.
The 8-week programme takes a holistic approach to health and will guide you along the way to achieving your goals. From weight management supports to expert advice on achieving a positive mindset and quitting smoking – there is so much on offer here and…. it’s all completely FREE!
Lisa Walsh, a behavioural change Life Coach and Training Specialist for LloydsPharmacy shared her top tips on how to achieve and sustain a more positive way of thinking.
What does it mean to have a positive mindset?
“For me, to have a ‘Positive Mindset’ means having healthy happy thinking patterns/thoughts. Enjoying and embracing a positive, healthy, happy attitude to life on a day to day basis.”
Why is this important for my overall health?
“Our thoughts affect our emotions. When our thoughts are positive ones we lean into the happy emotions of joy, contentment and pleasure. Those feelings are good for our health and well being.”
Can we re-train our brains into thinking more positively?
“Absolutely – it requires consistent practice and commitment. Self-awareness is the first step. Catch the negative thought, and find a more serving/positive thought to concentrate on.
“Listening to high-energy, upbeat music or tuning into affirmations to build self-esteem and self-acceptance can help.”
It’s important to realise that we are not perfect and we can only do our best. “We cannot be all things to all people” – Lisa believes this is a great affirmation to help get things started.
Attitude of gratitude
Sometimes, it’s the little things that help bring a sense of positiity to our lives. Having a gratitude journal is a great step towards focusing on the positive moments in your day – no matter how small.
Surround yourself with like-minded people
“People with good attitudes and energy. Nurture your relationships. Relax and switch off regularly. Embrace the outdoors – fresh air and nature calm us. Have a laugh daily – fun is the most wonderful complimentary medicine!”
Share and care through acts of kindness
“Give to others as it helps us feel good – whether it’s a chosen charity you support, food share or visiting someone.”
Choose the good feeling thoughts
“Concentrate on joy and happiness, these kinds of specific thoughts lead you to contentment.”
Digital Detox
“Create your boundaries – for me when I go hill walking on the weekend, I make a commitment to not use my phone.”
One of the biggest challenges some people might face, is quitting smoking and with so much out there around to help overcome the habit, it can become overwhelming.
LloydsPharmacy pharmacist Laura Dowling has given these expert tips to help you on the road to success and kick the habit for good!
What are my options to quit smoking?
There are plenty of options, such as using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), one to one support, books, forums.
Do’s and Don’ts of quitting smoking
Do take each day at a time.
Do congratulate yourself for taking this step.
Do inform family and friends so that they can support you.
Don’t go hard on yourself if you fall off the wagon- just climb back up again!
How long will it take my body to recover from smoking habit?
Your body starts to reap the benefits of quitting immediately – after 20 mins your blood pressure returns to normal, after 12 hours your blood oxygen level increases to normal also.
One year after quitting, your risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke has dropped to less than half of that of a smoker.
I’ve tried to quit before and failed. How can I succeed and quit for good?
We are 4 times more likely to quit smoking with support and also with the help of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Come into LloydsPharmacy where we can tailor a quit plan to best suit your individual needs.
Are you ready to Change Your Health Direction? For more info on the programme head here and find your local store to sign-up here
Check out their Instagram for updates on their programme too!