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30th Nov 2017

11 Stages That Everyone Experiences On A Tinder Date In Dublin


Tinder has made our love lives so much more convenient, but we do have to admit that it’s also made the dating game kinda weird.

Think about it: you’re going out on a date with someone for the first time and simply hoping that they’ve presented themselves in a honest manner on a platform where that could so easily not be the case.

This weirdness gives raise to 11 specific stages of a Tinder date…

1. Pre-game nerves

You feel those butterflies fluttering well before date time, so naturally you have a few drinks beforehand to calm your nerves.

Raven Nervous

2. Having your mate over to prep you 

Moral support is essential at this crucial moment.

3. The awkward wait at the date spot

There’s a moment of sheer unadulterated panic where you seriously consider calling the whole thing off.

Huge Mistake

4. The even MORE awkward first meeting

Do we hug? Do we kiss? Do we… fist bump?! Oh, the complexities of romantic interaction.

5.  Tedious small talk

Wow, this was so much easier when you had time to carefully construct your responses in message form.

6. Judgement intensifies

You find yourself examining every last detail of their outfit choice — shoes, socks, did they iron their shirt. Every detail can, and will, be used against them.

Judgemental Look

7. Comparing yourself to other first dates in the place

And asking yourself why you can’t be having as much fun as they’re having.

8. Realising their voice is nothing like you imagined

Forcing you to admit that expecting the dulcet tones of Morgan Freeman was probably a bit too much to ask.

9. Deciding whether or not you fancy them in real life

This may include a phone call to a friend for an objective perspective.


10. The tension over who is paying the bill

Will they be generous or miserly? This is a true test of character. 

11. The end of the night 

Kiss goodbye? Awkward wave? Firm handshake?! It’s like the first meeting, only 10 times worse.

Tinder really is a feckin’ minefield — we still love it though.

Awkward Kiss
