Seagulls, it’s widely agreed, are the most terrifying things in the world.
They’re the size of cats, they have absolutely no fear, and they are quite clearly and visibly planning a ‘hostile takeover’ of Dublin – and then the world.
If you didn’t believe it before today, then this photo by Elaine Igoe will surely prove that you need to start reinforcing your home against the impending attack.
I mean… LOOK.
It’s a seagull. Eating a BIRD. On York Street. In Dublin. Where we all live.
We know, they’re predators. And it’s what they do.
But if this photo doesn’t send shivers down your spine – Elaine herself told Lovin Dublin that she’ll “never sleep again” – then you are quite possibly the chosen one, who will lead humanity in its defence against these monsters.
So, like, go you.
READ NEXT: 18 Times The Seagulls Of Dublin Went Too Far