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12th Sep 2023

A ‘Pop Cup Shop’ selling retro Easter egg mugs is coming to Ranelagh this month

Katy Thornton

Severe nostalgia unlocked.

If you’ve grown up in Ireland, and celebrate Easter, it’s likely you will be familiar with the mugs that often accompany your chocolate egg. If you’re a mug enthusiast like myself (or Demi Lovato) (if you know, you know) then you’ll agree that the mugs you used to get in the likes of your Nestlé or Cadbury eggs used to be far superior to the basic white cups that frequent your cupboards for their convenience, and many of us have held onto them for years upon years.

Someone who agrees with this sentiment is Mick, a man who has a huge collection of novelty 90s Easter egg mugs, everything from Smarties, to Jaffa Cakes, to Mars bars. After years of collecting, he’s finally ready to sell his collection at a Pop Cup Shop (see what he did there) in Ranelagh, which will run out of Nick’s Coffee on September 23.

pop cup shop ranelagh

Pop Cup Shop

Mick and his partner Betzy are well versed in the business of vintage selling; they can be found at the monthly flea markets that run of the Digital Hub in the Liberties, although normally they’re selling second hand clothes.

On Saturday 23rd, Mick will have about 50 mugs for sale, as well as a rail of specialty selected pieces from their clothing collection. The cups/mugs will range from €15 – €30 per piece and they are all unused and in immaculate condition. Ideal if you too are a collector, or just would love the nostalgia to be sitting in your cupboards.

pop cup shop ranelagh

When asked how he felt about selling the collection, Mick said this:

“Really excited to sell them and find new homes for them. Everyone has a favourite chocolate bar so why not have a mug to match. They are a great gift idea too.”

Referencing the current state of affairs when it comes to Easter Egg mugs, Mick touched on something we are all too familiar with:

“The Easter egg cups nowadays are below par. The size and shape just isn’t what it was in the 90’s and early 2000’s.”

We can’t help but agree. The 2010s mugs are particularly dire – hardly enough room for a full cup of tea, and the over-turned lip of the mugs is not only undesirable to look at, but almost a health hazard given it’s a vessel for holding hot goods. As you can see from the photos, Mick’s collection is much better.

If you are looking to purchase, remember these bad boys need to be handwashed to ensure they last a lifetime.


You know where to go on September 23rd so.


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