For some, the annual pumpkin carving is a highly competitive event.
At least at my house anyways.
Designs are found online well in advance, knives are sharpened, friends are lost.
Slight exaggeration but you get the idea; the pumpkin unveiling is a big deal.
If you count yourself in the same bloodthirsty group (Halloween humour ha), then the pumpkin decorating competition at the national botanic gardens will definitely appeal to you.
Not to be confused with a pumpkin carving event, the idea is to paint, draw or glue materials onto the outside of the vegetable. Think exterior design. Glitter, stickers, magazine clippings; whatever you can get your hands on can be used.
Simply create your masterpiece, wait for it to be safely outside the precarious stage between being wet and dry and bring it to the gardens on Saturday 19. Make sure to fill out the participation form and bring it along with you.
Entries will be displayed in Teak House, so call out to see the fruits, or should I say vegetables, of fellow competitors’ superb creativity. Worth a gander even if you don’t feel like partaking.
Here are a few options for inspiration.