This was year 1 of an event that we want to make into something much bigger. The feedback has been 99% positive but I spent the whole night listening to people and asking them what they’d do to make it better. You have to always improve and strive to be better. With that in mind the next time we do the event we’ll do the following…
- Have booze for people throughout the show. Irish people love an aul scoop so a few beers during the show would add to it.
- More female speakers. Always a hot topic but despite trying, we didn’t have enough women. We’ll aim for 50% at least next year.
- Snappier speeches. We ran way way over on time and backstage the BGET were threatening to turn the power off at 11. It meant we had to race through the awards in just 10 minutes. We can be way way better on our time keeping and should have given all the nominees more showtime.
- We did it on a Monday because all restaurant staff are mostly off on those days. I think a weekend would work better.
- Live stream it for people who couldn’t be there on the night
We’ll aim to do that and more. 5 Weeks ago the event wasn’t only an idea in my own head and the team scrambled together to pull it off so they should be proud. Marco Pierre White who has 3 Michelin stars and travels the world said he’d come back and do anything he could to support us in the future and that he loved the energy from Dubliners. Thats a good pat on the back but we need to strive to be even better and we will.