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13th Aug 2020

Dublin Chamber asking for suggestions on how to encourage people back into the city 

Sarah Finnan

Dublin Chamber has asked for the public’s help, tweeting to ask for suggestions on what would attract people back into the city centre.

Local business owners have lamented the fact that Dublin city is somewhat of a ghost town in recent weeks – so much so that several have cried out for Government support if they’re to survive in the current climate.  Noting a major drop in footfall due to strict public health guidelines, according to Hugo’s Restaurant on Merrion Row “our beautiful city is decimated” and “hospitality businesses are on their knees”.

Addressing the situation and hoping to get some answers on how best to remedy it, Dublin Chamber has tweeted to ask for suggestions on what would attract people back into the city. Putting the question to the public, authorities questioned:

“What one thing would you do to encourage more people back in to Dublin city centre? Give us your best ideas. #BetterDublin”

Taking the opportunity to have their voice heard, many have responded to the tweet with recommendations they think would work. Agreeing that Dublin is “much friendlier to cars than it is people”, some of the most recurring suggestions include increased pedestrianisation, fewer cars and more outdoor seating.

Some have suggested looking to other European cities for inspiration, with one Twitter user sharing a short video clip outlining the measures being taken in Barcelona. Other suggestions that got a mention called for increased Garda presence to address anti-social behaviour, investment in public toilets and improved city-centre cleaning methods.

Header image via Twitter/Dublin Chamber

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