This video was doing the rounds on Facebook last night and it’s actually so disturbing.
It shows a bunch of youths on Wednesday evening in Whitechurch, Rathfarnham setting off fireworks right beside where a woman is walking her two talks.
The video was shared by Adrian Kennedy & Jeremy Dixon of 98FM’s Dublin talks and they said that:
“It needs no explanation but is very distressing to watch..
“We want your opinions on what you’ve just watched. What can be done to stop this happening? Have you had similar experiences?
“This will be our main topic on 98 FM Thursday morning at 10am so we want your opinions now.”
People were absolutely outraged online.
“Their parents have to see this and recognise them!! Blurry or not you know what your child was wearing today.
“Someone in that estate knows who these lads are. Just name them here. Let that be step one in solving the problem.
“Around the corner from me and it’s absolutely disgraceful, they should be charged or their parents charged at least
“Absolutely shocking, terrifying that poor lady with her dog’s, animals are so frightened at this time of year with all these kids letting off banger’s, but to do it deliberately is totally sick, what kind of homes do they come from, it’s disgusting behaviour. Name and shame.”
It has received 44,000 views in just 12 hours so far.
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