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04th Dec 2019

Seven Dublin food businesses served with closure orders in November

Darragh Murphy

Seven Dublin businesses were served with food closure orders by the Health Service Executive last month.

That’s more than twice the number of food businesses in the capital that were forced to close the previous month.

At the time of writing, four of the Dublin businesses have been allowed to reopen.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has revealed that 21 businesses around the country were served with a food closure order in November – 12 under the FSAI Act, 1998 and nine under the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations 2010.

The full list of Irish businesses served with a closure order can be seen on the FSAI website.

The seven Dublin food businesses are as follows:

Hilan Chinese and Korean BBQ Restaurant at 45 Capel Street was issued a closure order on 8 November. The order was lifted on 12 November.

The Blackchurch Inn in Rathcoole was served a closure order on 11 November and the order was lifted on 16 November.

Apache Pizza in the Temple Bar area was also issued a closure order on 11 November. The pizza establishment’s order was lifted on 13 November.

A closure order was given to Salvetas Take Away and Café in Finglas on 18 November. At the time of writing, it has not been lifted.

The packing area of Vernon Catering on Sheriff Street was served a closure order on 20 November and that too has yet to be lifted.

Westmanstown Sports Centre cafe was issued a closure order on 26 November. That order was lifted on 28 November.

An area to the rear of Hui Kee restaurant in Inchicore was served a closure order on 27 November. It has yet to be lifted.
