Now we’re not advocates of any particular diet at all here at Lovin Dublin, we just like good food, but we know plenty of people are currently having a go at the whole Paleo phenomenon. Basically, for the uninitiated, it’s all about clean eating which can’t be a bad thing, consisting of what the cavemen and women would have grazed on back in the day, before we started adding this and that to our foods and processing the absolute shit out of almost everything you’d find on your local supermarket shelves. I actually just started watching Food Inc on Netflix last night and was appalled to learn that even tomatoes (at least in America) can be injected with all kinds of chemicals to keep them looking fresh. If you’re keen to keep healthy and are fed up not knowing what’s going into your belly then perhaps a cleaner diet would suit. While this is where most people would click away thinking, ‘yawn, life’s too short and while yeah it’s important to eat well it’s just as important to enjoy the food’, we say fear not, it doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless.
Here’s 10 food pics that had us drooling on Pinterest recently which all happen to be of the Paleo variety. Omnomnomnom. Links to the recipes from various blogs on the headings!