Bill Murray hit the nail on the head when he said Christmas is all about waking up and realising that life is just good.
It’s when we take stock of the year and show our loved ones we care in the best way possible: by giving each other shit.
If the festive cheer hasn’t set in for you just yet, here are just a few of the reasons you should be ridiculously excited about it already…
1. Time off the technology to appreciate family
It’s one of the few times where it’s perfectly acceptable to be totally and utterly disconnected from work, your phone and social media in general and just enjoy the present(s) with the fam.
2. Getting some much needed lie-ins
At this time of year, sloth is a virtue.
3. Christmas tree smell
Pity those with a fake-ass tree. They think they’re so clever, saving money and avoiding the post-holiday needle clean-up, but they’re missing out on the sweet, sweet scent of Christmas.
Yes, it is still acceptable for adults to get excited for pressies. And yes, we still expect a selection box this year, mam.
At Christmas it’s acceptable, nay obligatory, to embrace your inner piggy. Whether you’re all about chowing down on some savoury goodness or all the sweeties, you have our blessing.
6. Christmas crackers
Because who doesn’t love surprises? Yes you’ll get the shit paper crown that you’ll be obliged to wear for at least 5 minutes, but there might also be a shit joke… maybe even a shit pair of tweezers! Unlimited possibilities.
7. Board games
100% of the time ending with the sore loser of the family declaring that “it’s a shit fuckin’ game anyway”.
8. ‘Oh Holy Night’ at Midnight Mass
This tune gets us so pumped for Christmas.
9. Reunions with your peeps
You’re at an age where your friends are so all over the shop that Christmas is the only time you can get together, so look forward to being reunited (and it feeling so good).
10. RTÉ’s Christmas homecoming segment in Dublin airport
It never fails to get ya right in the ticker. This is some real Love Actually stuff…
What else are you excited for this Christmas? Let us know in the comments.
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