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20th Dec 2016

Saving The Cops From The PC Police – 13 Times The Garda Twitter Account Was Absolutely Hilarious


The Garda are in a spot of bother this morning after tweeting a photo that many have interpreted as being sexist. I did a quick poll around the office and some did indeed find it offensive, while others thought it was harmless banter. The general feeling is that it was ill-advised and a mistake. The PC police however are out in force online baying for blood.

The tweet in question is being deemed as sexist…

The media, Twitter users and commenters online are going nuts but we’d like to give the Guards a little credit. They’ve been running one of the best Twitter accounts in the country for years. They’ve won awards for their work and the topics they have to cover are usually highly sensitive, delicate and downright dangerous to the public sometimes involving the loss of human life. Despite that they’ve been able to do it with great humour like some of these…

The way they dealt with this very uncooperative suspect..

This time they were referring to pigs but probably subtly taking the piss out of themselves giving us a laugh at their expense

Explaining the rules of the road apply to everybody in a funny tone…

They are never slow with a quick retort either


Whoever is running the account does seem to have grasped the importance of animals on the internet

They even make fun of themselves and popular police gags

Humouring people who think it is the first time they’ve heard the joke

When asked if they are tempted to use the blues and twos when bored waiting at the lights


Or just having the bants with the Rubber Bandits


Having the Xmas LOLs

While making sure all our kids are happy

And highlighting idiots

Give Them A Break

So yes they messed up and posted something that was mildly offensive to some. We all make mistakes especially online these days where something can sound funny in our heads but just isn’t when typed in online. The reason their account is a success is because they don’t have to share their posts with 3 legal departments like some corporates do. I don’t have proof but I’m sure their account has avoided some accidents. I know I’ve changed some habits because of it. I daresay it may even have saved a life or two. Give them a break and move on to be mock outraged about something else online today.
