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20th Dec 2016

The 12 Most Irish Things To Happen This Week


We’ve all gone a bit bonkers this week, it would seem. 

Far too much excitement about the upcoming Euros and a few consecutive days of sunshine means that the craic has been flowing of late. But not the illegal kind of craic, as our new American intern, Logan, seemed to think

Don’t believe us? Read below, for this week’s instalment of the most Irish things to happen this week.

1. This sinful Euros jersey

Come on you girls in gr…tricolour thongs?

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Photo cred:

2. This casual Wednesday sighting in town

Riverdance doing some promo, you know the way.

3. This last minute health tip

Literally leave smoke in your wake!

4. Everything about this post on arses


Even the tea-stained background.

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Photo cred: The Irish Way

5. This unbelievable deal

Shut up and take my money!

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6. This bog-standard trip to the beach

”What has you at the beach? Sure it’s friesain out.”

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7. This impromptu dance class in a car park in Mayo

Sure, what else would you be at on a sunny Tuesday at the foot of Croagh Patrick?

8. This selection of items for purchase at a car boot sale

Three wise men if I’ve ever seen them.

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9. This makeshift poster to end makeshift posters

”Need a flag? Say no more, fam.’

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10. This essay title spotted in the Junior Cert English Paper 1 this week


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11. This motivational quote spotted during the mini marathon

Putting the fear of God into every one within a tri-county radius.

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Photo cred:

12. And finally, this subtle total house redecoration

That two brothers did as a surprise to their poor mum. 


Euro House 1

Photo cred:

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